KDD Finance Day 2024 will take place on August 26, 2024, in Barcelona, Spain.

9:00am 9:10am Opening Remarks Grace Wang/Daniel Borrajo (NJIT/J.P.Morgan Chase)
9:10am 10:10am Keynote Talk Avanidhar Subrahmanyam (UCLA)
    Title: Short-Term Reversals and Longer-Term Momentum Around the World: Theory and Evidence
10:10am 10:40am Invited Talk Claudia Perlich (Two Sigma)
    Title: Challenges and Opportunities for AI in Systematic Investing
10:40am 11:00am Coffee Break
11:00am 1:00pm Invited Talks Eyke Hüllermeier (LMU Munich)
    Title: Uncertainty Quantification in Machine Learning: Current Status and Open Challenges
Senthil Kumar (Capital One)
    Title: Sequence Modeling in Finance
Jundong Li (University of Virginia)
    Title: Trustworthy Graph Machine Learning for Financial Applications
Yongjae Lee (UNIST)
    Title: Investment Recommendation for Individual Investors
1:00pm 2:00pm Lunch Time Buffet Lunch will be served inside the Finance Day room
2:00pm 2:30pm Featured Talk Henrike Mueller (Financial Conduct Authority)
    Title: AI in financial services – a regulatory perspective
2:30pm 4:00pm Invited Talks Xiangyu Zhao (City University of Hong Kong)
    Title: Adaptive and Automated Deep Recommender Systems
Dumitru Roman (SINTEF AS & OsloMet)
    Title: Synthetic Financial Data Generation for Green and Sustainable Finance
Kubilay Atasu (Delft University of Technology)
    Title: Graph Machine Learning for Financial Crime Analysis
4:00pm 4:30pm Coffee Break
4:30pm 5:30pm Invited Talks Xiao-Ming Wu (Hong Kong Poly University)
    Title: Toward Automated Smart Contract Generation: Retrieval-Augmented Solidity Code Completion and Correctness Evaluation
Milos Blagojevic (BlackRock)
    Title: Empowering AI Agents with Domain-Driven Design: A Blueprint for Advanced API Orchestration in Financial Services
5:30pm 5:40pm Closing Remarks Daniel Borrajo/Grace Wang (J.P.Morgan Chase/NJIT)

Keynote Speaker

Avanidhar Subrahmanyam

Avanidhar Subrahmanyam

Distinguished Professor of Finance, University of California, Los Angeles
Goldyne and Irwin Hearsh Chair in Money and Banking

Henrike Mueller

Henrike Mueller

AI Strategy Team Manager, Financial Conduct Authority, UK

Invited Speakers

Claudia Perlich

Claudia Perlich

Head of Strategic Data Science, Two Sigma, US

Eyke Hüllermeier

Eyke Hüllermeier

Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Senthil Kumar

Senthil Kumar

Head of Emerging Research, Capital One

Xiangyu Zhao

Xiangyu Zhao

Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong

Dumitru Roman

Dumitru Roman

Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF AS & OsloMet

Kubilay Atasu

Kubilay Atasu

Associate Professor, Delft University of Technology

Xiao-Ming Wu

Xiao-Ming Wu

Associate Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Yongjae Lee

Yongjae Lee

Associate Professor, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Jundong Li

Jundong Li

Assistant Professor, University of Virginia

Milos Blagojevic

Milos Blagojevic

Technical Fellow and Director, BlackRock